County Fare:

The members of the club usually displays their work in a booth at the County Fare. Members of the club bring their work, sit in or near the booth and work as they Usually do at home or at meetings. People visiting the fare stop by, watch and ask questions about carvings, what type of wood we use, the tools, how to lean to carve, what we carve any many other questions. And some visitors purchase finished carvings.

Eagle & Cane:

From 2014 to 2018 members of the club carved "Eagle Canes" mostly for veterans of Duthesss Country who served in the Afghanistan/Pakistan war and received a purple heart or who served in the Korean conflict or WW2. During that period, members carved almost 200 canes. Each cane was carved for a veteran who could specificity how it was to be decorated, usually with the symbol of the unit, the rank and other metals or symbols. After completion, the cane was presented in a ceremony. Follow the link to pictures taken at these ceremonies.

Eagle cane project

Examples of events the clup participaed in:

37th Annual Woodcarving & Wildlife Art Festival and Competition June 5&6,2010
YouTube - lancaster county woodcarvers show 2010
Artistry in Wood Show 2008 Dayton, Ohio
Floyd Rhadigan Seminar July 2008.
Phil and Vicky Bishop Seminar Sep. 2007
Bob Stadlander Class May 2006.